Labels:bench | box | car | computer | conveyer belt | door | fence | ottoman | plaything | rock | sky | tape deck | tray OCR: Apple 3.5 Drive Overvieu Features Benefits Small in size but large in power Uses 800K double-sided Provides over five times the capacity the Apple 3.5 Drive stores 800K 3.5-inch floppy of on-line disks data storage available from of data uo single 3.5-inch 5.25-inch Lets you hold large date files and It's flexible, economical choice applications on one reducing the for owners of Macintosh~ Plus need to swap disks Macintosh SE and Apple IIGS faster Retrieves than and 5.25-inch stores drive daea substantially personal computers who want Provides compatibility with 400K disks high-capacity storage at an afford- Protects daa because disks are rugged able price and easy to carry Allows Apple IIGS owners to run applications thar come on 3.5-inch disks ...... Easy Apple II systen expandability Le ...